What are chakras? The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit C̣akra, meaning “wheel” or “disc,” and the early concept of the chakras originates from Indian philosophy. They are said to be spinning discs of psychic energy belonging to the “subtle body” (sukshma sarira). The 7 chakras are the Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye & the Crown. Each chakra represents a different part of your body & also has been given a specific colour. In spiritual practice we are taught about each chakra and what they mean, & sing meditation methods, we are able to tune into each one & cleanse or heal them. I believe this kind of spiritual practice should be taught more often, as there are many healthy benefits for our mind body & spirit this way.
These are my own mandala interpretations of the 7 Chakras. I wanted to create bright bold and colourful pieces to help bring awareness to those around me on these small practices that we can do everyday to help provide positive changes to our mindsets. I believe that understanding what chakras are could be the key to a healthy mind, which can reduce stress, anxiety & even depression.
20cm x 20cm Prints
Prints of each chakra are available in the shop. Click on one below to learn more about each chakra.